Pensieve is free to download and free to use (with some limits) forever.

Compare Plans & Limits

Everyone starts with the Free Plan, which is great for casual use. It includes access to all of the features in Pensieve so you can take your time integrating Pensieve into your life.

Features Free Plan All Access Plan
Monthly email send limit 20 emails Unlimited emails
Verified destinations 2 email addresses 8 email addresses
Max attachment size 4 MB 16 MB
Attachments per email 2 8
Audio length, with transcript 15 seconds 60 seconds
Audio length, no transcript 30 seconds 120 seconds

All Access Plan

A subscription to Pensieve All Access removes the monthly email send limit and allows you to do more of everything in Pensieve. It’s great for people who use Pensieve on a daily basis.

You can purchase a subscription to the All Access Plan after downloading Pensieve, opening the app, and navigating to Main Menu > Subscription.

Yearly Billing

1-month free trial

$24.99 per year

(Save 30%)

Monthly Billing

1-week free trial

$2.99 per month

Why Is Pensieve a Paid App?

Pensieve is supported by the people who use it.

As a small business and an independent app developer, my mission is to build useful software that respects the humanity of the humans who use it.

That’s why I’ve chosen a paid app business model for Pensieve. I only earn money when people pay for Pensieve, which means I have to make an app that people love and find useful. I view my job as an app developer as a fiduciary duty to you: to provide a reliable and helpful service that brings you joy while caring for your time, attention, and well-being.

Therefore, Pensieve doesn’t do any of the icky things that other apps do, like try to manipulate you, try to keep your attention, pester you with notifications, or collect and sell your data. Pensieve doesn’t want your attention.

Asking people to pay for the app keeps my interests aligned with theirs. Being a paid app ensures that Pensieve is made for the folks who use it every day.